Air Fountain Review: Ultimate Solution? Clean and Sustainable Water

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Mariela Olsen







94 Center Avenue Fresno - 93721

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In today's world, where water scarcity is becoming a pressing issue, finding a reliable and sustainable water source is of utmost importance. With the looming threat of a mega-drought, it's crucial to be prepared and have access to clean drinking water. That's where the Air Fountain comes in. The Air Fountain is a revolutionary system that harnesses the power of condensation to produce clean, fresh water from the moisture in the air. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how the Air Fountain works, its benefits, and how you can build your very own system.


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The Science Behind the Air Fountain

The concept of the Air Fountain is based on the principles of water condensation. Water particles are present in the air at all times, and the Air Fountain system collects and converts this moisture into clean, drinkable water. By following a simple yet effective process, the Air Fountain can produce up to 50 gallons of water daily, ensuring a consistent supply for all your drinking, washing, and hygiene needs.

The Need for the Air Fountain

With the threat of a mega-drought looming over us, it's essential to have a sustainable and reliable water source. NASA predicts that the United States is on the verge of experiencing a mega-drought that could last up to 100 years, with potential catastrophic effects similar to the 1930s Dust Bowl. Recent arid conditions in California and the depletion of water stocks in Lake Mead and Lake Oroville are just a glimpse of the water crisis we may face. By investing in an Air Fountain, you can ensure that you and your family are prepared for the water scarcity that lies ahead.

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Benefits of Installing an Air Fountain

The Air Fountain offers numerous benefits that make it an invaluable addition to any home or property. Let's explore some of the key advantages:

1. Sustainability and Self-Reliance

The Air Fountain allows you to become self-reliant for your water needs. Instead of depending on traditional water sources, you can generate your own water supply using the moisture in the air. This sustainability ensures that you have a consistent water source, even during water delivery shutdowns or droughts.

2. Portability and Versatility

One of the standout features of the Air Fountain is its portability. Weighing less than 10lbs, the system can be easily carried anywhere, making it ideal for camping trips or situations where you need a portable water supply. Its compact size also makes it suitable for homes with limited storage space.

3. Minimal Maintenance and Cost-Efficiency

The Air Fountain requires minimal maintenance, making it a cost-effective solution for your water needs. Unlike traditional wells or water storage systems, the Air Fountain doesn't incur high installation or operational costs. With a daily running cost of less than $0.10, this system is not only environmentally friendly but also budget-friendly.

4. Off-Grid Capability

By connecting your Air Fountain to solar power, you can go completely off the grid for your water supply. This off-grid capability provides independence and peace of mind, especially during emergencies or when access to traditional water sources is limited.

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How to Build Your Own Air Fountain

Building your own Air Fountain is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few hours. Thanks to the comprehensive guide provided by the system's creator, John Gilmore, you can follow step-by-step instructions to assemble your Air Fountain. Here's a breakdown of the process:

  1. Gather the Materials: The materials required for building the Air Fountain can be easily found at your local hardware store. From basic plumbing components to a power supply or car battery, you'll have everything you need to get started.

  2. Follow the Blueprint: The Air Fountain guide includes a detailed blueprint that outlines the construction process. With color photos and easy-to-understand instructions, you'll be able to assemble your system with confidence.

  3. Watch the Video Guide: In addition to the blueprint, the Air Fountain guide provides a step-by-step video guide that walks you through the entire process. By watching the video, you'll gain a visual understanding of the assembly process, making it even easier to build your Air Fountain.

  4. Finalize the Build: Once you have gathered the materials and followed the instructions, you can finalize the build of your Air Fountain in less than two hours. With minimal effort, you'll have a fully operational system that can provide you with a continuous supply of clean, fresh water.

Pricing and Availability

The Air Fountain book and digital video are available for purchase as a set for $39.95. The book is also available for purchase individually for $19.95, and the digital video is available for purchase individually for $29.95. The Air Fountain set is a great value for anyone who wants to learn how to create their own air fountains. The book provides clear and concise instructions, and the digital video allows you to see the process firsthand. With the Air Fountain set, you can create your own beautiful and functional air fountains in no time.

The pricing of the Air Fountain set is fair and reasonable. The book and digital video are both high-quality products, and they provide a lot of value for the price. If you are interested in learning how to create your own air fountains, I highly recommend the Air Fountain set.


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Testimonials and Success Stories

Thousands of satisfied customers have already experienced the benefits of the Air Fountain. Here are a few testimonials from individuals who have successfully built and used the system:

  • "The Air Fountain has been a game-changer for our family. We no longer worry about water shortages during droughts, and the system is so easy to maintain. Highly recommended!" - Sarah T.

  • "Living in a remote area, we always struggled with water supply. Thanks to the Air Fountain, we now have a reliable and sustainable source of water right in our backyard. It's truly life-changing." - Mark S.

  • "I was skeptical at first, but after building and using the Air Fountain, I am amazed at its efficiency. It's a cost-effective solution that everyone should consider." - Emily W.

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Get Your Air Fountain System Today

If you're ready to take control of your water supply and prepare for the water scarcity ahead, now is the time to invest in the Air Fountain System. Don't miss out on the opportunity to secure your family's water reserves and ensure a sustainable future. Order your Air Fountain System today and never worry about water scarcity again.


Top 10 Air Fountain Program FAQs:

1. What is an air fountain program?

An air fountain program is a software application that controls the operation of an air fountain. The program can be used to create a variety of different fountain effects, such as geysers, water jets, and synchronized movements.

2. What are the benefits of using an air fountain program?

There are many benefits to using an air fountain program. These benefits include:

  • The ability to create a variety of different fountain effects

  • The ability to control the fountain's speed, intensity, and direction

  • The ability to synchronize the fountain with music or other light shows

  • The ability to save and recall favorite fountain programs

3. What are the different types of air fountain programs?

There are two main types of air fountain programs:

  1. Pre-programmed: These programs come with a variety of pre-programmed fountain effects.

  2. Customizable: These programs allow the user to create their own fountain effects.

4. What are the factors to consider when choosing an air fountain program?

There are a few factors to consider when choosing an air fountain program. These factors include:

  • The type of fountain you have

  • The desired effects you want to create

  • The level of control you want over the fountain

  • Your budget

5. How do I install an air fountain program?

Installing an air fountain program is usually a simple process. The program will typically come with instructions on how to install it.

6. How do I use an air fountain program?

Using an air fountain program is usually straightforward. The program will typically have a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create and control fountain effects.

7. What are some troubleshooting tips for air fountain programs?

If you are having trouble with your air fountain program, there are a few things you can try. These tips include:

  • Checking the program's documentation

  • Searching for online support

  • Contacting the program's manufacturer

8. Where can I find more information about air fountain programs?

There are many resources available online and in libraries that can provide more information about air fountain programs.

9. What is the future of air fountain programs?

The future of air fountain programs is bright. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative and exciting fountain effects.

10. What are some popular air fountain programs?

There are a number of popular air fountain programs available. Some of the most popular programs include:

  • FountainWorks

  • Aquascape Design Studio

  • Fluid Dynamics

  • ChoreographX


The looming threat of water scarcity demands innovative solutions, and the Air Fountain emerges as a revolutionary answer to this pressing concern. Harnessing the omnipresent moisture in the air, this system provides an independent, sustainable, and reliable source of clean drinking water. In a world where mega-droughts and water shortages loom on the horizon, the Air Fountain offers a beacon of hope. Its science, benefits, and ease of construction make it a game-changer for homes, remote areas, and emergency preparedness. With testimonials affirming its effectiveness, the Air Fountain stands as a practical and affordable solution to mitigate water scarcity concerns. By investing in this system, individuals can secure their water supply and stride confidently towards a sustainable future. However, it's crucial to note that the Air Fountain is a DIY system, and results may vary based on careful adherence to instructions. Embracing this innovation could signify a proactive step towards ensuring water security in the face of impending challenges.


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