FAQ About BHMS College Admission in UP 2022-23

  • swatiedutech1993@Gmail.cam
  • 9389097888
Plot No- 1, Near BOB ATM, Gooba Garden, Kalyanpur, Kanpur 208017 kanpur - 208017

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Plot No- 1, Near BOB ATM, Gooba Garden, Kalyanpur, Kanpur 208017 kanpur - 208017

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How many BHMS colleges are present in Uttar Pradesh?

In Uttar Pradesh, you can find more than 30 colleges which provide admission for BHMS course. Most of the BHMS colleges are private but if you prefer studying from government college than there are few option available.

Can i get direct admission in BHMS colleges of UP?

Yes, you can also get direct admission in BHMS colleges but you must go through the counselling process.

What are tha placement packages after completion of BHMS undergraduate program?

The initial package starts from 4-5 Lakhs after completion of BHMS course but it can go high upto 15 lakhs.

Get Confirm Seat in BHMS Colleges of Uttar Pradesh

Contact- 9389097888

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