How can I cancel a Southwest Airlines flight under the current cancellation policy?

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One of the most popular searches and actions that every traveler may take after making a reservation is a flight cancellation for a variety of reasons. Most airlines impose steep cancellation fees and offer minimal refunds for canceled flights. But, if you purchased your airline ticket from Southwest Airlines, you shouldn't worry because there are no costs for changes or cancellations. There are many loopholes in Southwest Airlines' cancellation policy, such as the fact that if you paid cash for your travel, you will receive a credit, and if you paid using Rapid Rewards points, you will receive a full points return.



These tickets, purchased for personal travel, are the cheapest that Southwest Airlines has to offer. Compared to business select or anytime rates, these tickets have a significantly more stringent cancellation policies. The following details the Want Go Away ticket cancellation policy:

1You will receive reusable travel money that you can use at any moment if you decide to cancel your Got to Get Away tickets that you paid for in cash. 

2. You have up to 10 minutes before the departure time to cancel your flight. Within a year of the ticket's purchase date, the travel funds must be used. 

3. You will receive all of your points back into your Southwest account if you cancel your Wish to Go Away flight that you purchased using quick rewards. Southwest's cancellation policy applies to flights purchased using gift cards and companion passes.


Do you intend to make a Southwest Airlines flight reservation? The next step is to cancel your flight online, which is a pretty easy process. If you don't know how to cancel an order, take the following actions: Visit the official Southwest Airlines website, then sign into your account there using your login information. At the top-right corner of the screen, select the My Account section by clicking there. · You can now access the list of your scheduled flights and choose the one you want to cancel. · Choose Cancel Flight from the menu.

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